Is there an addiction to Viagra?

Probably, in our society there are no such people who had never heard of such a preparation as Viagra, and was not at least superficially acquainted with the principle of its action.

Before talking about getting used to such a drug as generic Viagra, let's see what it is. Viagra (Sildenafil) - a drug to increase the potency. Sildenafil is the international name of the drug, better known in the people as Viagra. "Viagra" is a commercial name developed by the American firm Pfizer. Why do we need this miracle medicine - Viagra?

This drug is one of the ways to treat erectile dysfunction in men. Unlike other methods of treatment, it does not provide for injections or other medical procedures, you just need to take one pill just before the sexual act, which makes this drug very convenient.

The mechanism of action of Viagra: the drug increases the flow of blood to the penis, which causes a natural erection. Sildenafil only acts when a man is sexually aroused, that is, with the natural mechanisms of the appearance of an erection, and when the sexual contact is completed, the penis naturally goes into a relaxed state. It is because of this "simple" mechanism of action that Viagra has gained such popularity.

Not many know, but the properties of the drug Viagra were discovered quite by accident. In 1992, in the UK, in the city of Pfizer Sandwich, scientists conducted clinical trials of the Cytrate Sildenafil, which was designed to treat cardiovascular diseases. Instead of increasing the flow of blood to the heart muscle, thereby reducing blood pressure, many experienced men have seen an improvement in erection. Since 1993, a long clinical study of the properties of Viagra began. Studies have been conducted on men ages 19 to 87 and it is proved that the drug is effective in various types of erectile dysfunction of the male sexual organ, and that it is safe when used in conjunction with other medications. And in 1998, the drug "Viagra" was admitted to mass production, and the scientists who presented it, were awarded the Nobel Prize.

But, unfortunately, not all patients are helped by this drug. Generic Viagra is ineffective when used by patients with atherosclerosis, nerve damage that leads to the vessels of the penis, with diabetes. Unsatisfactory results were observed in patients with the presence of pathological venous drainage.

How does Viagra work?

Before talking about how generic viagra works on men, let's figure out how the male sexual organ works. The penis performs two functions: the release of urine from the bladder, in other words, urination, and the second - the release of sperm and seminal fluid from the prostate gland - ejaculation. It is for the ideal robot of the second function that generic Viagra tablets are needed. The process of ejaculation consists of three stages: the man experiences sexual arousal; penis erect, it becomes firm and elastic; the excitation of the penis causes ejaculation (ejaculation occurs).

But in many cases the second stage does not happen. The man is nervous, but the penis does not react at all, making the third stage difficult. Why this happens can be understood by knowing the physiology of the male body. The penis, unlike other parts of the body (arms, legs, tongue, etc.), which are driven by muscles, strains and hardens as a result of blood pressure. Inflow of blood into the penis is carried out with the help of arteries, and outflow from it - with the help of veins. In the unerupted state, the arteries are slightly narrowed, and the veins are not filled and the penis is flaccid. When a man is excited, the blood enters the cavernous bodies, the veins remain narrowed, as a result of which blood under pressure contributes to the elongation and hardening of the penis. If the arteries leading to the penis do not fill correctly, the penis does not erect, this is the cause of erectile dysfunction. To solve this problem, which is caused by poor blood flow, it is necessary to open these arteries. Earlier (when the Viagra drug was not yet known), to increase the potency, injections were made directly into the penis, which relaxed the muscles, letting in the artery the right amount of blood, which led to an uncontrolled erection immediately after the procedure. Viagra is a drug that works only when a man is sexually aroused, and is taken orally (pills covered with a shell), which explains its popularity.

So how much is generic Viagra safe? Does it cause dependence? These questions are surely set by every man who, for one reason or another, wants to use or has already used this drug.

First of all, it should be understood that Viagra is not a means of treating sexual dysfunction in men, but only improves the erection for a short while. When the effect of the drug ends, the problems with potency, which were before the use of Viagra, are returned. Many men who are not able to recognize their problem, say that the reason is addiction to buy generic Viagra.

Scientists in their opinion are categorical - there is no addiction to the chemical composition of Viagra. During all studies, possible side effects were identified: weakness, nausea, increased heart rate, exacerbation of stomach diseases, redness. No cases of addiction to this drug have been recorded. If you understand the mechanism of action of generic Viagra, you can understand why - the drug acts solely on the bloodstream of the male genital organs, without affecting the receptors of the brain. And if there is no influence on the brain, then there can not be dependence and speech.

But, nevertheless, there are those men who are firmly convinced that they have dependence. They are lying? No, there really is a relationship, but psychological. It appears for various reasons, and can also manifest itself in different ways.

Some men, buy generic Viagra, think that the drug only slightly helps them, and when they decide to refuse it, they think that it was much better before.

In some cases, ejaculation with prolonged use of the drug may worsen. The reason is not in Viagra, but in infections, illnesses, injuries that could not be traced as a result of taking the tablets, and accordingly they began to work on their treatment, progressed and left their "mark" on men's health.

Many men, trying to impress, increased the dosage. Improvement they did receive, but not because of more generic Viagra tablets, but as a result of auto-suggestion. So, we can sum up. Viagra does not cause drug dependence, dependence can only be psychological.

If, after consuming buy generic Viagra tablets, your sexual health is worse than before taking the drug, it is worthwhile to see a doctor, as the cause may be transferred injuries or tumors, after treatment which, perhaps, the previous male power will return.

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